Brooklyn Gray is an online dating expert and a passionate writer. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past few years, providing her readers with valuable insight into the world of digital romance. Brooklyn graduated from Stanford University in 2017 with a degree in Psychology, giving her an invaluable understanding of human behavior that she applies to all aspects of her work as an online dating specialist. Before becoming involved in this field, Brooklyn had experienced firsthand some common pitfalls associated with navigating modern-day courtship: ghosting, mismatched expectations between partners due to miscommunication or misunderstanding - you name it! It was these experiences which inspired Brooklyn to pursue knowledge about how best to approach relationships through technology so that others could avoid similar frustrations when engaging digitally. Since then she's become one of the most trusted voices within the industry; offering honest advice based upon extensive research backed by real life experience combined with academic rigor – something not many other experts can claim! With each review written by Brooklyn Gray comes reliable information for those looking for love (or just fun!) via their phone screens - allowing them more control over their romantic destiny than ever before possible thanks largely due its accessibility today compared even just five years ago.. Her goal? To make sure everyone finds someone they truly connect with while avoiding any unnecessary heartache along way!